Produts e ProcesseS
CIE Plasfil runs 50 injection moulding machines ranging from 45 to 1375 Tons of clamping force in a 24/5 production pattern.

Those injection moulding machines are complemented with several post-injection operations namely welding, riveting and assembling

Our injection portfolio includes In-mould and Insert-molding, gas assistance and Bi-Material (2K) capabilities, while welding operations range combines ultrasonic, hot plate or mirror, and high frequency technologies.

Depending on the complexity of the part, or sub-set, dedicated assembling work stations are deployed using state-of-art sensors, artificial vision, and poke-yoke’s to assure all requested functionalities in flawless processes.

We produce parts all across exterior, interior and hard trim of vehicles, as well as for safety, electrical and electronical automotive components.

Our parts rely both in hidden areas providing crucial features, and at sight, all over dashboard, door panel, central console and seats, on the interior, as well as integrating bumpers, spoilers, roof systems and others on the exterior.

Internal logistics and, in and out bounding flows, are processed and managed using an integrated erp-mrp system across the plant that give us real-time awareness and industrial data driven decision making, while also being logged for backtracking traceability.