“The World will be a better place whenever old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit”.
ancient Greek quote
CIE Plasfil, being an industrial company should mean much further than just proudly serving, with our products and services, the present and future mobility, while paying taxes.

Environmentally speaking, endless efforts have been put in place to both increase our energy efficiency and to allow us to self-produce a significant amount of our energetic demand via our photovoltaic facility, while the remaining energy is bought out from 100% renewable sources.

Energy self-sufficiency practices were widened, together with our City Hall, to a local public school, on the first photovoltaic facility installed across the Portuguese educational system, while hundreds of trees were literally planted by our own hands, on nearby fire-ravaged areas
Our products can be plotted using Life-Cycle-Assessment methods and eco-labelled, while a few of ours innovation projects are already being driven with environmental awareness as a base line.